Friday, October 28, 2022

30 Days Out!


In the crate Alby! You need to get IN the crate!!

So we are 30 days out! It’s been a crazy time to say the least. As far as our plans are going….we are getting there. Slowly, but we are getting there. 

I am methodically working through sorting what is coming with us and what is going to be stored in Australia. We will have 2 uplifts. One for export and one for storage here. It’s actually quite cathartic to take stock of what possessions you have and have a big “Marie Kondo” purge of thing that don’t bring me joy. Aside from the fact I can’t throw out the kids (kidding!) I have offloaded huge amounts of “stuff” that we have accumulated over the years. The benefits of this not being our first posting are huge as I am being ruthless. I can clearly recall unpacking when we got home from Vietnam  and thinking “What the hell were we thinking keeping this!”  

We are also preparing the house for rental which involves such fun things as new gas pipes, new stormwater drains, electrical checks, new front fence, front stair upgrade, new roof and general improvements to make it a solid and safe rental for potential tenants. 

We are in the midst of year 12 exams for Christopher who is handling it like a trooper. 

 If I could sum it up at the moment, and I hope you will pardon the language, shit’s getting real!