Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Bumps in the Road

 Ok. Going heavy early here

 Last (and first) post was about eating the elephant. Taking things one step at a time. This one is more about addressing the elephant in the room. Well, my room anyway. How the hell do you leave all of the people you love and EVERYTHING that goes along with that. It’s a lot. 

I guess if you are expecting an answer here you will be disappointed.  I don’t have one. I struggle with this every single day. How do you leave everyone you care about most in the world? How do you be the ones who makes the decisions to take your children away from their friends and family? To leave our parents? Well that elephant comes with a big juicy side of guilt. I’m no psychologist but I’m going to cut myself some slack and say that what we are feeling is absolutely normal. Unfortunately It doesn’t make it any easier. 

My parents are in their 80’s and devastatingly mum had a fall last week. She is in hospital with a broken wrist and some small fractures in her spine. It’s going to be a long road to recovery. How I continue to organise leaving is a work in progress. With the support of my brother and sister and their families we are supporting her and my dad and getting things in place to get them the help they need and to get mum home where she is happiest. I think the truth is there is never a good time. 


There is always going to be something. Some minor and some major. And some of those somethings are heartbreaking. We cannot help but feel overwhelmingly selfish by moving. I find comfort in the fact that we are only a flight away and the time difference is only 2 hours. I  am always on  the other end of the phone and can do almost as much as I could from Australia. I liken it to COVID when we we were unable to be physically present. We made that work and I know we can make this work too. We still have 5 months to get the required things in place to support them. Not quite sure who I am trying to convince here, you or me. 

We are so lucky to have such an incredible family and support network. Their love is what makes anything possible. Mum is on the mend and I will keep you updated. We hope to repay them all one day with some amazing adventures in Malaysia on us! I am, and will be, eternally grateful. 

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