Saturday, November 26, 2022



Well, the uplifts are done. Half of our belongings are on their way to KL and the other half we won’t see for a few years! I culled as much as I could. It’s a very weird feeling to take a stocktake of EVERYTHING you own. Quite a reality check and a reminder to stop buying stuff! (Let’s see how that works out!) The house is empty and nearly ready for rental. Side note, I’m a bit of a clean freak and was horrified at how dirty things are when the place is empty. I mean I know you can’t clean behind the fridge every week but OMG! It’s a beautiful family home and I really hope we can find a family who love it as much as we do and they can create some happy memories there over the next few years. 

While Nick and I spend a few nights at a local hotel (and it’s literally nights as we spend the days getting the house sorted), Quiddy and Alby have the place to themselves. Alby bless him is super confused. If the disruption of a house full of removalists for days on end wasn’t enough he is now wandering around looking for his “stuff”. Thank God for Quiddy who has been Albys one constant. No greater love than a boy and his dog! 

Tomorrow is our last full day here as we leave on Monday. A day of goodbyes, and, for those who know me well, also known as “my worst nightmare”. I absolutely hate goodbyes and usually avoid at all costs.

Time seems to have gotten away from us and I don’t think we will have the chance to raise glasses with so many people whom we would  have loved to have seen before we go. It’s ok though as we know we will see them soon. Whether it be here in Australia or even better visiting us in KL. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


There is something very strange about packing up your life is almost like a stock take of not only your current possessions but a reality check on what means a lot and what is just “stuff”. As hard as it is to pack up your life I have found  it a fantastic opportunity to cleanse and donate. Over the years we have collected so much and this has been the perfect opportunity to really look at what we have. What do we need? What can I live without? What can be better served by donating to others who will benefit from it more than it being stored in a cupboard that I will rarely use?  Apart from these altruistic sentiments it’s also a really good time to just throw out the stuff that we have just stored away because “we might need it one day”. I started out conservatively .By the end of it, I was very much, nope, it’s gone! I remember coming back from our last posting and thinking “what the hell was I thinking keeping this!” With this in mind I was pretty ruthless. 

So, can’t tell a lie, when you stand there and some stranger says sign here and you confirm that your life is enclosed in 100 boxes,  it’s a little confronting. My kids will attest to the fact my favorite saying is “rewrite the narrative”. My life is not enclosed in 100 boxes. My possessions are. My life is travelling with me. My amazing husband and children. Part of my life will remain with my friends and family who are not only in Australia but all over the world. As bizarre as it is too see all of your worldly possessions in the back of a truck it has had also served as a reminder to me that that if I were never to see them again I’d be ok. My family and memories are worth more than my possessions. (It’s still weird though!) 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

My Home Town

Some amazing shots of the place I call home. Will miss you Melbs but I know you will be waiting for me when I return. Chris manages to capture the true essence of Melbourne. Each of these pictures is a snapshot of a moment that any Melbournian can experience on any given day. I don’t know how he does it but he is able to really find the heart and soul of my stunning home town. Thanks to Chris and Humans of Melbourne for these amazing moments showcasing  the city I love. Check out Chris’s incredible work on Facebook